Executive Search
Top management talent is highly sought after to deliver
outstanding results. JWC Partners helps companies recruit
high caliber executive talent with strong leadership ability and
potential. Clients comment on our superior ability to assess
candidate's skills, leadership capabilities, and fit. Our
insight into company culture ensures those we place enjoy a long
career with the company.
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Board Director Recruiting
Board composition is of great importance in corporate boardrooms
today to ensure boards have the collective skills and experience to
fulfill their oversight responsibilities effectively. Boards
are increasingly turning to recruitment firms to guarantee
objectivity and a qualified, diverse slate of candidates to
consider. The first step in the process is to define the
needs of the Board by aligning the corporate strategy with the
skills of current Board Directors. Once the personal and
professional characteristics of ideal Board Directors have been
defined, JWC Partners identifies candidates who bring the necessary
skills and are also a strong fit within the board culture.
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Board Assessment
Effective boardrooms require a feedback mechanism to make
certain the individual skills and capabilities of each Director are
brought together successfully. Most boards today conduct a
board assessment, yet few include individual board member
appraisals as part of the process. Most Boards of Directors
believe the process they use could be enhanced. JWC Partners
works closely with Boards to offer a process based on observation,
individual Board Director interviews and survey questions to assess
the collective Board and individual members.
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Leadership Assessment
Through a competency-based assessment approach and a structural
in-depth, in-person personal interview, JWC Partners assesses an
individual's capabilities and leadership potential. Often as part
of succession planning and leadership development, this assessment
offers a company an outside perspective on talent and advice on
leadership development. Clients appreciate our assistance in
developing the next generation of leaders.
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Provided great slate of candidates.
Ability to listen and translate key needs to the screening process so that candidates were well-suited for the role.
Great thought leadership, trusted advisor and transparency on candidates' strengths/weaknesses.
Clear understanding of organizational dynamics influencing the role, success factors, archetype of person needed.